Audacious Compassion 005 – A Pretty Talented Panda Bear

How can you help people when their problems seem like part of an enormous, intractable system? It’s been a tough month for a lot of people and sometimes problems seem beyond us. However, we can each make a difference as long as we learn how to genuinely help and make sure to look after ourselves.

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Audacious Compassion 004 – Bone Brigade

We talk about coercive discussion, where someone seems to be trying to provoke you into talking about a topic that will likely lead to an argument.

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Audacious Compassion 003 – Baby FaceTime

In this episode, we talk about situations where it’s hard to discern someone’s request for change and to give it a direct yes or no answer.

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Audacious Compassion 002 – Don’t Mention Fish

How do you handle when people ask you for help and it’s not clear what they want? What about when you’ve tried to help them before and it hasn’t worked?

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Audacious Compassion 001 – Go Buy a Caddy

This is the first episode of Audacious Compassion, a podcast where we talk about how to practice empathy in difficult, everyday situations.

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