Audacious Compassion 028 – January 2019 Update

Another short episode this month, and our final scheduled episode until we receive a prompt. We focus mostly on some media that’s been inspiring us:

  • Patrick Rothfuss’s Kingkiller Chronicle and the crushing feeling of looooong-running projects.
  • Hbomberguy‘s massive Twitch stream of Donkey Kong 64 in support of the Mermaids charity. Famous folks like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Chelsea Manning showed up to show their support.

We also talked about our recent projects:

  • Gregory’s podcast Tabletop Garden, which is now fully in its second campaign, called “Ego Driver.”
  • Our Future Proof Podcast episodes of December and January, where we conduct some strategic business meetings. Some stuff is cut, but we think it provides a bit of insight into how we work.

If you’d like to see a normal episode, send us a prompt! Let us know about an everyday situation where it’s hard for you to stay empathetic or compassionate to:

Audacious Compassion 025 – Ramen Philosophy

We talk about demonstrating active compassion in the face of systemic injustice.

Our prompt came from a friend of the show and was paraphrased from a verbal conversation:

I really like your show, but I have a hard time figuring out how to apply your ideas. I work in an industry where I see active misogyny all the time, but even being a small business owner, I don’t feel like I have any power to help the people around me. If I refuse to work with a supplier or bank because they treat women like shit, they won’t even notice. I’m not doing well enough to hire more than a temp employee, and I put my own livelihood at risk if I call people out. How do I keep from feeling powerless and how do I act compassionately instead of just feeling angry about what I see?

As resources for battling altruism fatigue, we recommend Kelsey Piper, who blogs at and is newly a staff writer for Vox; and DeRay McKesson, a civil rights organizer, activist, and writer.

Melissa discussed friend of the show Lucy Arnold. Gregory discussed LeftTube, including ContraPoints, Philosophy Tube, Shaun, HBomberGuy, Lindsay Ellis, and Folding Ideas. ContraPoints’s recent video, “Incels,” is embedded below.

If you have a submission of an everyday situation where it’s difficult for you to stay empathetic or compassionate, write us at: