Audacious Compassion

Audacious Compassion Logo Small Welcome to the Audacious Compassion podcast, where we discuss how to be more compassionate in everyday situations. If you have a question or prompt for an upcoming episode, please write us at!

Our final episode of Audacious Compassion was March 28, 2019.



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Audacious Compassion 010 – The ‘Why People Do Bad Things’ Thing

How do you empathize with people who seem cruel or rude? How do you recognize that “monsters” are people, too?

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Audacious Compassion 009 – That Dudebro Shoulder-Bumping Thing

How do you avoid repeated arguments with a person even when there’s nothing to argue about? Sometimes you realize far too late that you actually agree and that you’re just miscommunicating.

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Audacious Compassion 008 – Peeved Partner in the Piedmont

We supply our own problem: how to be compassionate toward people who change or learn slower than you think they should? Is it anyone’s problem but your own? What should we do with the problems we’re having with our own family?

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Audacious Compassion 007 – I’m Sorry This Is Happening

How does compassion look when you’re powerless to fix a situation? How do you avoid just repeating, “That’s rough. I’m sorry this is happening”?

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Audacious Compassion 006 – Working With the Fonz

What does compassion look like in a frustrating team setting? What does “compassion” even mean and how do you want to practice it? How do you deal with frustration and people who bother you?

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