Audacious Compassion

Audacious Compassion Logo Small Welcome to the Audacious Compassion podcast, where we discuss how to be more compassionate in everyday situations. If you have a question or prompt for an upcoming episode, please write us at!

Our final episode of Audacious Compassion was March 28, 2019.



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Audacious Compassion 024 – Enjoying That Hamburger

We talk about being compassionate toward a group of anonymous people that you perceive as immorally complacent.

Content warnings for this episode: mention of the October 1, 2017 mass shooting in Las Vegas.

We also talk about The Norwood Suite by Cosmo D; Fallen London by Failbetter Games; and Melissa’s Fallen London fiction, “The Bazaar Correspondent“.

If you have a submission of an everyday situation where it’s difficult for you to stay empathetic or compassionate, write us at:

Audacious Compassion 023 – Be Dramatic

We discuss recognizing when people are making assumptions about the role family should have in your life and how to deal with that.

Content warnings for this episode: discussions of depression, family problems, and self-harm.

We also talk about #loveindies week, which we participated in, and He, She and It by Marge Piercy.

Please share any comments you have! If you have a submission of an everyday situation where it’s hard for you to be empathetic or compassionate, write us at:

Audacious Compassion 022.5 – A Brief Message

No episode this month! We didn’t receive a listener prompt, and we’ve decided not to make a habit of coming up with topics just for the sake of making an episode. If you have a question or topic surrounding everyday compassion, write Share the podcast with a friend, and let us know if you have a recommendation for communities that would want to know about our show!

Audacious Compassion 022 – Two Spaces Per Tab

We discuss bikeshedding, which is when people discussing solutions for a large, complex problem bog themselves down in minutia.

In this episode, we examine a situation in which a discussion about redesigning healthcare in the United States becomes hyper-focused on one aspect of American health and lifestyle.

Content warnings for this episode: discussions of anti-fat sentiment, transphobia, and a brief mention of suicide.

We also talk about the Stardew Valley, NHL, the Russian Machine Never Breaks podcast, A Unit of Caring, the HTC Vive, and Beat Saber:

There’s a special request for ideas related to travel at the very end of the episode. Please hit us up on social media or in the comments.

New this month will be an episode transcription! We’re cleaning up what an automated service provided, but it’ll be up soon.

The transcription is attached to the episode! We welcome any reports of issues or suggestions for improvement. If this solution seems sound, we’ll be using a transcription service going forward and will work on getting transcriptions up for older episodes.

Please share any comments you have! If you have a submission of an everyday situation where it’s hard for you to be empathetic or compassionate, write us at:

Audacious Compassion 021 – Unironic Devil’s Advocate

We discuss proxy arguments, where people are having a disagreement in place of a wider ideological argument.

In this episode, we look at the current state of the Interpersonal Skills Stack Exchange. Why are people getting suspended left and right? Why does IPS seem to have more problems than other similar sites? What can they do to heal?

We also talk about James Comey’s A Higher Loyalty and the new revival of Queer Eye.

For more information on the Spoon Theory, visit Christine Miserandino’s post introducing the concept.

Please share any comments you have! If you have a submission of an everyday situation where it’s hard for you to be empathetic or compassionate, write us at: